I'm used to seeing spam for unpronounceable pharmaceuticals, low interest rate loans, and housewife dating clubs, but this message took me by surprise:
SUBJECT: How one can become a terrorist?You're invited to shop for large selection of bombs and different kinds of rockets such as surface-to-air, surface-to-surface and weaponry available at reduced price. With the following types of rockets you will be able to commit terrorist attacks, destroy buildings, electric power stations, bridges, factories and anything else that comes your mind.
Most items are in stock and available for next day freight delivery in the USA. Worldwide delivery is available at additional cost. Prices are negotiable.
Today special:
******* AIR BOMBS *******
OFAB-500U HE fragmentation air bomb
Fuel-air explosive air bombs -Not in stock
BETAB-500U concrete-piercing air bomb
ZB-500RT incendiary tank
500-KG SIZE RBK-500U unified cluster bomb[...]
Our clients are well known Al-Qaida, Hizballah, Al-Jihad, HAMAS, Abu Sayyaf Group and many other terrorist groups. We are well known supplier in the market and looking forward to expand our clientage with assistance of Internet.
Tod tells me that this isn't spam, but a joe job, aimed to get online revenge on the contact person mentioned in the e-mail.
Still, it would be refreshing to see spammers branching out into this entirely untapped niche. Haven't you ever, in a fit of pique at the neighbors, wondered where to buy rocket launchers and missiles? From a disreputable spammer, by all means.
SUPER l00000w co$t m!ss!les and b0mbs 4U!!!! $ave up to 50% on all your t3rr0ri$t n33ds! Buy 2day & get a FR33 6-pack of pineapple gr3n4des. Perfect for home or office use.
It is scaring.---Well, did you eat sweet dumpling last night? We could see the moon peeping thourh the clouds for a while.
I have never wanted to purchase munitions but I have been on the receiving end of a Joe Job early last year.. A disgruntled contractor was annoyed when I _legally_ canceled his contract but set up various anti-Bush and anti-war protest web-sites with my address as the contact. I was flooded with emails from random strangers either congratulating me on taking a stand or condemning the protests. It was not fun!!
Perfect also for when churches are approaching: 'you could always use the number 14-St. Joseph-the-somewhat-divine-on-the-hill ballistic missile. It's in the attic.'
id like to deliver some munitions directly to all spammers, if only someone would send me their coordinates....
I am with you on that one j-ster..