Spring gale


Yesterday the first warm gale of spring, haru ichiban, blew through Japan. Although it didn't reach Tokyo, it was pretty windy here and today's weather feels like spring has arrived for sure. The warmth is a welcome change from days we've been shivering through lately.

This morning I opened all the windows to air out the apartment and then gave the veranda a good washing. Afterwards, I burned some incense and enjoyed a cup of coffee to celebrate the sun.

It's too early to replant the little garden off the living room, but I'm itching to do it. I'll settle for planning instead. This year I will make it a true kitchen garden--lots of herbs, as usual, but some vegetables, too: lettuces, peppers, beans. Maybe some berries. I don't believe I have enough room for melons, eggplants or cucumbers, but I can probably squeeze in some tomatoes. I wonder if there's a Japan equivalent to Seeds of Change?


It is calming to think about the winds that bring spring and hope the things that will soon be a metamorphical green. The fragile season of anticipation and hope (window opening after a having them shut a long time) is here too. Our wind is called the Bise.


yesterday, we ate FUKINOTOU--(butterbur scape?) by TENPRUUA. have you eaten it? We also felt spring coming.

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  • Mieko: yesterday, we ate FUKINOTOU--(butterbur scape?) by TENPRUUA. have you eaten read more
  • David : It is calming to think about the winds that bring read more
