On the advice of two women I painted with last weekend, I am trying sushi as a medicine for migraine.
Sushi is not my favorite food, but if it makes me feel better I will chow down.
Today's breakfast is negi-toro maki (tuna and green onion rolls). I'll let you know if it works.
Katsuo is supposed to have magical healing properties, too, although related more to allergies. You never know though, it might help.
And shiso. Lots of shiso.
You don't like sushi? I thought you did. I hope it works for you. *keepsfingerscrossed*
If you can eat NATTO, I recommend having NATTO-maki, it is good for our health.
The negi-toro maki didn't seem to help at all. But this morning, the migraine was much better and the accompanying fever was gone, too. Three days is more than enough for a migraine. Next time I'll try katsu and shiso (but maybe skip the natto; it's not my favorite)