Five years ago when we left the US, we packed up our stuff for storage. We only expected to be gone for six months, so we weren't too picky about sorting through it.
Today, we went through almost 50 boxes of our things at the warehouse. 11 went back into storage; 10 boxes of dishes, towels and other kitchen stuff went to Maureen, and 26 boxes of random things (books, a printer, more books, clothes) went to charity. Doesn't add up to 50 does it? That's because the rest was trash. :-)
There sure was a lot of natsukashii in all those boxes, but I'm happy that our things are being put to use by someone who needs them.
Isn't time you guys came home yet? :P
Did you find any strange recordings from the 80s?
I can hardly wait to get back. This is entirely too much time in this country. I want to come home now!
We shipped back a box of CDs and though I didn't look through them, I'll bet there are some weird old ones in there.