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December 1, 2000

Bonenkai means "forget-the-year party." This year's team bonenkai was a night to remember, but I doubt very many people did.

Ben & David Tan give the thumbs up on forgetting the year.

Koki relaxes as the year slips away.

Dal Ben & Yuki are posing as friends.

Tsubota-san & Miki say
V for a Victorious 2000!

Sato-san, Joji, Yuki & Colman dig into the sushi.
If you'd like to try cooking some of the food served at the party, download CPS Holiday Party Recipes (MS Word, 55K)

Kuroki-san, Tsubota-san, Miki & Mahendra
discuss the wide variety of drinks available to help them
forget the year (or at least the evening).

Henry, Joji & Rao share a laugh.

Kristen and Tod kick back and watch the festivities.

Ben & Colman toast the year.

Copyright 2003. Kristen McQuillin,