September 01, 2000
Computers in another language.

Computers in another language.

Being presented with a consistent user interface on applications is a boon when confronted with menus and files in a language that is unfamiliar.

Sit me at any computer running Japanese MacOS or Windows and I can stumble my way through getting an Internet connection up and running. Even in Japanese applications I've never used before, I can open a document, make changes and save it.

Of course when I make an error I must struggle to read and obey the message box.

"Hmmmm. What does this say? 'Tadaima...kanji kanji wo kanji-masen.' Looks like we have a problem," I am forced to admit. I select whichever option is highlighted as the default and try another tack.

Without a consistent interface, there would be no hope of bilingual computing for me. So thank you very much, Jobs, Wozniak, & Gates!

Posted by kuri at September 01, 2000 08:05 AM

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