January 31, 2003

Come to think of it...

Posted by lyd at 01:48 PM

While still horrified by the promise of more and better govt. control of information, let's remember just how successful these tactics have been. I am constantly freaked out by how many Amercians are either simply not aware of what happend during the end of gulf war pt1, or stand in firm denial of the evidence.

War. Media. Propaganda. Huh?

Posted by lyd at 01:24 PM

If you look for the truth we will shoot you.

January 08, 2003

random filler

Posted by lyd at 01:36 PM

Devin wants content, and I have nothing to say. Since, however, I often regurgitate things said by others, I might as well do that here. So begins an intermitant stream of random things...

"The problem is that I don't think that there is a team of economists locked away in the basement of the whitehouse crunching numbers, and saying, "this is the best way to spend $300 billion." Rather it seems a lot more like Karl Rove said, "I dunno George, seems like we know a lot of people who pay dividend taxes..." - said by Jelly on plastic.com