February 03, 2009
Hooper to Hoop Teacher to Happy

I’ve been hoop dancing for five and a half months. I work hard at it, but I am still such a beginner. However, yesterday I took the leap into teaching a class as a substitute for Deanne while she is in Oz for a couple months. I’ve given casual help to people at the park and such, but I’ve not taught a structured class before.

It was not the best of classes, I have to say. I was anxious. I forgot my hooping clothes. I forgot my cheatsheet of class routines. My period started during class. I was flummoxed by my two students who spoke different languages and had somewhat different hooping abilities. Fortunately it wasn’t a total disaster. I did not forget my music. The brand-new-to-hooping student left being able to waist hoop and do a variety of hand hooping tricks. Both students seemed to enjoy themselves. I hope they will return.

Today, needing to shake off the bad vibe from yesterday, I took my hoops to Ueno park. I hadn’t done that before, because it isn’t a park where people seem to practice stuff. There are lots of museum visitors, tourists, zoo attendees, licensed buskers, and homeless guys. Not so many people are “doing their own thing” at Ueno, but it was OK.


Every time I hoop in a park or public place, I connect with people; this afternoon an older lady, a PhD student, & a little boy all tried the hoops. Passersby smiled, took pictures, even applauded. But most memorably, I taught an entire band to hoop! My Morning Jacket, who are on tour from Nashville, stopped to say hi and give the hoops a spin. I’d never heard of them, but I’m going to their show tomorrow in Shibuya. You never know what blessing a hooping encounter is going to bring.

After three hours of hooping and meeting people, I am feeling much more relaxed and happy. For next Monday’s class, I will smile more, use armloads of positive affirmations, and hang on tight to this good hoop vibe - I really want to share it with everyone.

Here is what park people saw today - a lot of trial and error:

Posted by kuri at February 03, 2009 07:03 PM


That is awesome! I love that you were trying it out in the park too. I get self conscious sometimes in our backyard because people can see me. :) Love the trick! Enjoy teaching too, I am sure it will only get better.

Posted by: Aimee on February 8, 2009 11:15 AM
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