September 09, 2005

creative perspectivesI’m doing an art project now that I keep putting off. I really want to work on it, but it’s causing some controversy here in the McQuillin household. So rather than upset my mate or work out a reasonable compromise or really explain what I’m doing so he’s not freaked out, I avoid making much progress. I do a little, get oddly paralysed and stop.

Which sounds pretty rotten until I realise that I’ve gotten busy on a number of other projects instead. Today I made a headpiece for tomorrow’s boating party. Yesterday I finished up my podcast for Hanashi Station. The day before that, I used the last page of my old notebook and went out and bought a new one. I’ve been organizing upcoming travel, too, which takes so much more time than it should, really.

So the delay in getting this difficult project off the ground isn’t completely bad, but I realise I need to address what’s stopping me from working on it. Is it really as bad an idea as Tod thinks, or am I just concerned for his feelings?

How do you fill the time when your projects don’t run as smoothly as you’d like?

Posted by kuri at September 09, 2005 06:54 PM


I can always turn to video games and wait for my inspiration to start flowing again:-)

Posted by: Kimura on September 9, 2005 09:14 PM

I clean the house in very small sections. Since I’m in the ‘full-swing”’ season of propping “Sweeney Todd”, the house will soon be gleaming. Today, I’m working to create birdcages from bamboo (placemats taken apart for all the lovely bamboo sticks), foamcore, glue and wire. The round birdcage will have a lid made from some basket-like thing I found at the dollar store. In theory, this project will save me lots of budget money. In reality, this project will drive me crazy. I’ll be much happier when it’s done.

Posted by: Fran on September 9, 2005 11:14 PM

Ok, here’s what I do - I stomp and scream around the house throwing potholders and spitting out windows (the neighbors like this). When I tire of the tantrum, I remember what my preschool teacher said about me being unfocussed and I just find some other shiny new project to start. Rinse, lather, repeat. Repeat, lather, rinse. Eventually I find the orignal frustrating project and it looks new to me (wow, how cool is this? when did I do this?) and I finish it. That’s the joy of a bad memory. You can tell me the same joke a bunch of times too!

Posted by: Jennifer on September 10, 2005 10:30 AM

Hmmm, I tend to think that if I can’t make UltraGirl understand the project I want to do and feel ok with it, it most likely isn’t worth doing it. There have been some projects like that. Usually sitting down with her and talking about what bothers her about something we can come to some kind of a resolution, either with me deciding that it really isn’t something that I want to do that bad or with UltraGirl realizing that she wasn’t fully understanding my mission or motives and that she’s actually ok with it. If it is going to make her unhappy for me to do it though, unless it is one of those things that I absolutely have to do or I won’t be complete (the womanizing thing for example), I have to come to the conclusion that she feels the way that she does for a reason, that we’re on the same team, and I have to respect her feelings on it.

Posted by: UltraBob on September 15, 2005 03:48 PM

Hmmm, I tend to think that if I can’t make UltraGirl understand the project I want to do and feel ok with it, it most likely isn’t worth doing it. There have been some projects like that. Usually sitting down with her and talking about what bothers her about something we can come to some kind of a resolution, either with me deciding that it really isn’t something that I want to do that bad or with UltraGirl realizing that she wasn’t fully understanding my mission or motives and that she’s actually ok with it. If it is going to make her unhappy for me to do it though, unless it is one of those things that I absolutely have to do or I won’t be complete (the womanizing thing for example), I have to come to the conclusion that she feels the way that she does for a reason, that we’re on the same team, and I have to respect her feelings on it.

Posted by: UltraBob on September 15, 2005 03:49 PM

Double post ????????????

Posted by: UltraBob on September 15, 2005 03:50 PM

Ooooooo Fran Im a house cleaner too.

In fact I can’t create in a messy envronment.

Posted by: MJ on September 16, 2005 08:31 PM

/me holds up his hand <—- procrastination by cleaning

My dorm room was always the most presentable during finals week.

Posted by: Seth on September 18, 2005 12:05 AM
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