May 23, 2005
Jazz in the park

Laurent in tux and umbrella.

It showered during yesterday evening’s concert, but that didn’t stop our crowd of 17 sartorially elegant socialisers from enjoying ourselves at the first dress-up event.

Jim & I danced in the rain. (courtesy of Tracey)

Yuka and I smile for Jonathan.

Jonathan and Tod took hundreds of photos; a select gallery of 27 images is online.

Our private classical concert

After the jazz concert at the park, we enjoyed dinner at Kaneko in Komagome. The other group in the restaurant with us were classical musicians. They played for about 15 minutes and finished off our evening on a wonderful note. Tracey captured a few seconds of video on her keitai during this private concert.

Violin solo (150K .mov)
Bolero video (250K .mov)

Posted by kuri at May 23, 2005 01:57 PM


Thank you for organising such a fun night Kristen. Lets start planning the next one.

Posted by: T on May 23, 2005 05:19 PM

Thanks for making a connection between the park you visited and the flyer about Jazz. Great lateral thinking. The meal was extremely delicious the impromptu entertainment all the more enjoyable because of its uniqueness. I really enjoyed it. Thanks again To you and Todd because you are great hosts.

Posted by: Barbara on May 23, 2005 05:34 PM

Last night was great, thank you!!!

I vote for Ballgowns at the Ballpark! Im up for a sexy Sunday at the Baseball! Ive never been yet!!! But actually, whatever you decide, I’m there!

Posted by: j-ster on May 23, 2005 05:38 PM

Tanoshikattayo. Arigato-ne !

Posted by: Yuka on May 23, 2005 06:31 PM

You all look great! I wish I could have gone too…I have this great red beaded dress in my closet and I love jazz.

Posted by: Jenn on May 24, 2005 06:02 AM

hello ! I’m a french violonist and just came back from a tour in Japan, which is one of my favourite country (I’ve been there 7 times) and I found out your blog when looking for some different ideas of things to do in Tokyo-i enjoyed very much Tanaka cimetery and the area around. Now I still visit your blog, and had fun with those videos ! The one called “bolero” should be renamed “carmen” in my pro opinion, as they play an excerpt from the famous opera ! good luck with all your plans !

Posted by: jo on May 26, 2005 05:01 AM
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