April 18, 2005
7th grade report card

Merchantville Public School, 1952. Click for larger version.

Mom’s grades were good, but she was often absent. Click for larger version.

I like the official statements from the supervising principle. He carefully but firmly encourages parental attention. I don’t recall this sort of wording on my report cards in the 70s, and wonder if there’s anything similar on contemporary school report cards.

Success in school life is, in a large measure, determined by the amount and quality of a student’s achievement. Satisfactory achievement, whether measured in quantity or quality, is dependent upon many factors such as ability, ambition, health of the student, home conditions, interest, and most important of all, the amount of time and effort spent in study.

Most of our school failures are traced to excessive outside social activities, indifference, lack of home preparations and poor health.

Regular attendance is absolutely necessary for the satisfactory progress of the pupil. Nothing hinders success in school more than irregular attendance. Pupils should learn to be regular and prompt. The Home can help much in the formation of such habits by discouraging unnecessary absence and tardiness.

It’s all about showing up.

Posted by kuri at April 18, 2005 10:35 AM

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