On the same day Tracey & I made ume shu, we also put together a batch ninniku shu—garlic tonic. It will be ready at the end of October, just in time to ward off chills, strengthen our blood, test on my visiting mother and mother-in-law, and all the other healthful benefits it’s said to bring. Really it was just too unusual (and tasty sounding) a combination of flavors not to try it!
Ninniku Shu
500 gr garlic
50 leaves shiso
4 lemons
60 gr white sesame seeds
80 grams fresh ginger root
1 cup honey
1.8 litres white liquor (35% alcohol)
Peel the garlic and trim off the ends. Steam for about 5 minutes. Rinse the shiso leaves. Slice the ginger root. Peel the lemons and slice into 2 or 3 pieces. Put all the ingredients into a 4 litre jar, and cover with the white liquor. Store in a cool dark place for about 5 months. Drink straight.
Posted by kuri at June 03, 2004 08:57 AMI certainly am in need of stronger blood and no chills. Sounds like something you pour over pasta, tho.
Posted by: fran on June 3, 2004 08:25 AMOoh, I’m gonna try that!
Posted by: UltraBob on June 3, 2004 11:07 AMis that blue or red shiso? i assume blue. yes?
this sounds really powerful. maybe i mix this up today….
Posted by: james on June 3, 2004 01:13 PMTracey and I cracked open the tonic today. It’s quite good. Garlicky on the back palate, with distinct shiso, sesame and honey sweetness at the front of the mouth. A littel goes a long way, but it’s wonderful. I anticipate a cold-free winter.
Posted by: Kristen on October 29, 2004 12:23 AM