May 10, 2004
On its way

We’ve shifted from the alternating cool and warm days of April to the alternating blue and grey skies of May.

Tsuyu, the rainy season, has already begun in Okinawa (about 10 days earlier than average) and though it won’t officially start here until June, it’s obviously on its way. The past few days have offered a preview—grey skies, sprinkling-then-pouring rain and dull heavy air.

It’s good for the plants but not for my spirits. Even though I love rain, endless days of grey get to be a bit much.

Still, tsuyu beats summer. I’m already thinking ahead to August with a certain amount of dread. I want to escape the city to somewhere less miserable. A summer rental in the mountains or at the seaside…

Posted by kuri at May 10, 2004 04:38 PM

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