June 14, 2003
Helen’s Crafty Summer

I’m taking a break today. Today’s words courtesy of Jennifer; art by Helen.

octopus.jpg“Ah, summer is here and free time for Helen is expansive. Remember the last day of school? How you slipped the covers off books and played hangman with your best friend, all excited for that last bell to ring? Then you went home to the daily rhythms and schedule of your parents that had been in place all year without you really knowing it.

“From a kid’s perspective, the best way to dovetail into that schedule is to whine. Whine a lot and loudly about how bored you are. Eating ice cream for lunch is good too, and don’t forget hours of cartoons.

“Yesterday, Helen and I put our creative forces together to create a website that features some of her paperpunch art on various merchandise. The actual art will be available on the wordpainting site soon.(*) Until then, why not shop at Helen’s Craft Shop http://www.cafepress.com/wordpainting and support a summer-slogged kid?

“Please spread the word! Helen’s saving for something special for her guinea pigs.”

(*) Helen’s paperpunch art’s for sale online at the Wordpainting Bookshop now; I got that done this morning. :-)

Posted by kuri at June 14, 2003 10:25 AM

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