October 31, 2002
Crappy shalloweener

cabbage.jpgThere’s not much doing in Japan for Halloween, which suits me just fine. When I was a kid, I trick-or-treated mainly at houses where I knew the families; I loved creating my costume and the sugar buzz was nice, but the actual trick or treating wasn’t all that thrilling.

Tod & I used to deliberately go out to dinner on Halloween to avoid the begging children back when we were in the States. All sorts of strange monsters appeared at our door—and I know there weren’t that many kids in our neighborhood.

So tonight, in a similar spirit but uninterrupted by greedy rugrats, we had a nice dinner and I made Tod hunt for his trick-or-treat surprise. It was a pot of ornamental cabbages on the veranda. He’s comments on ornamental cabbages (and dogwood trees) every time he sees them, so I figured he might like to have some of his own.

For our treat, we’ll be sipping on hot cocoa in a few minutes.

(Thanks to Eric Bishop of Weston, PA, for amending my blackboard to read “Crappy Shalloweener” at a Halloween party circa 1982. That phrase is in my annual holiday vocabulary right alongside “bah, humbug.” Love you, Eric!)

Posted by kuri at October 31, 2002 11:01 PM


Crappy Shalloweener! I still have the photos from that Shalloweener. Rock on!

Posted by: Jennifer on November 1, 2002 02:04 AM

Your post reminded me of a conversation I had with my Japanese friend Eiichi several years ago. I had asked, when he visited the US, whether the Japanese celebrated Halloween. He replied that a few years before someone was going to get rich importing pumpkins for Halloween and starting the latest fad. Then he said something like “but then, most Japanese are Buddhist but everyone sends Christmas cards.” He concluded by saying “Japanese are strange.”

Posted by: chuck on November 1, 2002 03:27 PM
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