August 08, 2002
Zoupi in Belgium

Zoupi is still enjoying his vacation in Belgium. He’s travelled all over and amassed an extensive photo album. Here he is in Brussels with Manneken Pis, the famous fountain that inspired the funny Suntory Dakara commercials. (Click on the videotape, then navigate the menu to choose MPG or animated gifs—you don’t really need to understand the Japanese to see the humor).

I can’t believe my stuffed elephant is having a summer holiday and I’m not! But I’ll get my turn eventually. If not soon, then in the autumn when we go to Ireland for my sister’s poetry workshop.

Since there’s no summer vacation for me, this wretched season could end itself any day, thank you. We’re having a 35 degree heat wave this week. I wilt in heat, just like my plants. I’ve started the countdown to October, when the weather will be nice again—53 days. Posted by kuri at August 08, 2002 03:10 PM

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