August 06, 2002
The Global Cities Tokyo

The Global Cities Tokyo team (me, Fred, Chiharu, and Wilson) are smiling because the film is “in the can.” We wrapped up last night at about 11 pm; Wilson and Fred are on their way back to Frankfurt today. At the end of the night as we said our thanks and goodbyes, it really felt like the closing night of a theatre production. Fred gave me his Kraffftwerk company jacket; Wilson told me I was as good an assistant as his son. Pretty gratifying…

Overall, being a production assistant was a great experience. I met tons of people with whom I hope to keep up personally and professionally, and went to locations I wouldn’t normally. It was exhausting but exhilarating. Today seems so quiet in comparison.

I took plenty of photos while we worked. If you’d like to see some of the places I’ve been this week, take a few minutes to sit through the Global Cities: Tokyo slideshow. Posted by kuri at August 06, 2002 06:37 PM

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