July 30, 2002
Urban hiking
This band of elderly urban adventurers has just been to visit the graves of prominent historical figures at Denzuin. After crossing the street with their guide waving his flag to point the way, they are heading to the station to conclude the tour. The guide looks back and waits for stragglers who have moved into “casual chatting” mode after spending too much time in “paying attention to important sights” mode.
Kristen’s Guide to Identifying City Sightseeing Tours
- All members of the touring party will be wearing hats.
- Look for matching hatbands (this group wore light turquoise) or badges with the tour company name.
- Attire is always long pants, a long sleeved, button-front shirt and sensible walking shoes.
- Most adventurers will carry daypacks and some will sport extra accessories, such as water bottles and cameras.
- In challenging weather or hiking conditions, you may see: white cotton gloves, raincoats with hoods (never umbrellas as they restrict the view) or rustic walking sticks.
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