July 25, 2002
London hours

Tod has been “working London hours” for the past week. Because he needs to communicate with his colleagues in London, he stays up late working at home til 2 or 3 am, then gets up at 10, works a little more from home and heads into the office at about noon or 1 pm. He heads home for a dinner break at around 7, and spends the rest of the night working.

He is a night person so this is an ideal schedule for him. I’m quite the opposite. Give me a morning and I’ll get things done. By the time Tod’s waking up, I’ve accomplished plenty on my To Do list but by 3:00, I usually want to stop.

When he started this (he’s always up late working, but now the office let’s him arrive late, so he sleeps late, too), I didn’t think it would really make any difference to my schedule, since we don’t interact too much during the day anyway. But it does. I seem to be staying up later myself, though I get up at my usual time. I need to adjust myself to this new routine, though I don’t know exactly how… Posted by kuri at July 25, 2002 11:48 AM

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