May 11, 2002
Stepped Down

Today I breathe a sigh of relief. Last night, I stepped down co-leader of DigitalEve Japan.

I’m so proud of what the group has apccomplished during the last fifteen months. We’ve grown hugely from 90 members to almost 450. We hold events at least twice a month, publish a newsletter, manage a library of technical books, and have a fledgling mentoring program. It’s really heartening to see women in IT coming together to share their experience and knowledge.

I was touched by all the compliments and thanks I got last night from members old and new. The steering commitee presented me a huge bouquet of flowers and I was applauded. It was a nice send-off.

But stepping down doesn’t mean I’m abandoning DE-J. In fact, I’m not even leaving the “inner circle” of team leaders. I’ll be leading the technology team. From now, I can focus my effort on the techn side of DE-J, instead of the general management of the group. MJ, our web content coordinator, is anxious to start hounding me to upgrade web stuff. And I’m ready and raring to go. The tech team looks like it will expand by a few members and we’ll really get a lot of work done in the next few months, I hope! Posted by kuri at May 11, 2002 11:12 AM

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