February 25, 2002
The final items to

The final items to dispose of before moving were some small tables and lamps. The stone-topped coffee tables we acquired when we first landed in Japan were a favorite of Tod’s. He really didn’t want to part with them, but the interior plan of the new apartment proved that there’s no room for them.

I hoped to put them outside for anyone to take, like we did with our give-away boxes. But Tod really wanted to make sure they went to a good home. So we compromised. We put them outside with a sign that said “Tables, 1000 yen each. Please ring bell.”

The new owner of the tables, Daigo-san, is a man in his forties. He was dressed in an outfit that woud have looked at home on a country estate—sweater vest, navy plaid shirt, camel coloured trousers. He was smoking a pipe and walking his beautiful standard poodle when he rang the bell. What a character! I hope he enjoys the tables. Posted by kuri at February 25, 2002 10:16 AM

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