November 28, 2001
Loose change adds up

Loose change adds up fast around here. With coins worth up to 500 yen (about $4), the total in a change purse or a pocket can easily buy lunch or more.

Our stuffed elephants, the Zous, have been saving for a trip to America. They’ve found over 12,000 yen in spare change just lying around, though I think they rifle my pockets from time to time. (Why are our stuffed elephants saving for a vacation? The largest Zou refuses to go in the overhead bin and demands a seat. We told him he’d have to pay his own way. We lead a very rich fantasy life!)

Tod tries to remain “compliant” with his change— he rarely has change that adds up to the next largest coin and he always spends all of his change. On the other end of the scale, I opened my wallet the other day to discover 2500 yen in coins mixed in with the grocery receipts. Posted by kuri at November 28, 2001 08:55 AM

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