February 17, 2001
One group, a dozen

One group, a dozen ideas.

Digital Eve Japan is the reincarnation of the Japan Webgrrls group. Our affiliation changed, but the goal remains the same: women sharing their information technology knowledge and skills.

Last night’s launch party attracted an interesting mix of people: a music talent manager, a nurse who is also a database developer, a graduate student studying successful women in IT, a pronunciation instructor, an architect, an English teacher, a web developer, an editor, and a recruiter who read about Webgrrls in 1999 and just found the article again this week.

As we discussed the topics we’d like to have covered this year, so many interesting ideas surfaced. Everyone has a different take on what the group can be based on her personal reasons for joining. Looks like we’ll have a chance to cover everything from presentations to “how to control your control panels.”

It’s going to be a fun year. Posted by kuri at February 17, 2001 08:46 AM

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