November 14, 2000
Recently, Tod asked me

Recently, Tod asked me to bake his favorite cookies, a special ginger snap. Since our new house has an oven, I was happy to agree.

But there is no molasses in any of our local shops. No problem, in a day or two, Tod found a gourmet grocery on the ‘Net and had some delivered to us.

Dried, ground ginger proved to be a challenge, too. And baking soda. It’s funny what things are difficult to purchase. But we found them, eventually, in another gourmet grocery store we popped into.

My recipe is American, so it uses American measures. But my tools are all metric, so I had to convert—an American cup is 237 ml; a teaspoon is about 5 cc. Tod’s quote on that episode: “I worry when Kristen uses math in the kitchen.”

The oven, which is new to the house, is American and its dial is calibrated in Farenheit degrees. But it doesn’t seem to be accurate or perhaps it is extremely slow to pre-heat. The 350 degree oven wasn’t hot enough. The 400 degree oven was too hot.

The cookies came out OK despite all the adjustments. But next time I make the recipe, I’m going to the gourmet grocery to buy some American measuring cups and an oven thermometer. Posted by kuri at November 14, 2000 08:01 AM

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