I’ve always known bowling wasn’t my game. Now I have a prize to prove it.
Last night, I attended Perot Systems’ annual bowling party. My job was to film the event to include it in their year-end video. But I was also assisgned to play on a team!
Of the three people listed on our roster, only Egon really bowled. I was filming and though I did bowl the second game, I bowled one ball in the first. Our other teammate was so late he missed 7 frames of the first game. Poor Egon looked exhasted.
His skill, combined with my own, won me the “Semi Worst Striker” award; a tin of tea and jar of jam. I think maybe that’s a hint that I need to stay at home and curl up with a good book…
Posted by kuri at November 02, 2000 06:24 AM