September 24, 2000

When ordering a dish with shellfish in Japan, be prepapred to see the shells and to participate in the removal of meat from animal.

Last night at dinner in an Italian restaurant, we ordered a crab and tomato pasta. The presentation was lovely—liguine piled on a plate and topped with a half a crab shell. The bright orange of the shell and the red of the tomato sauce were really pretty. When I reached in to dish some onto Tod’s plate, I hit something hard and crunchy. A leg. There were threee legs and a claw nestled in there. Tod got them. I ate my pasta unadorned.

Our second course was scampi impanata. The portion was two 8 inch long shrimp, split open and breaded with garlic crumbs. The shrimp still had their eyes, antennaes, and all of their legs which were decorative splayed.

I really don’t like knowing who I’m having for dinner. Posted by kuri at September 24, 2000 06:58 AM

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