August 06, 2000
Over 6 feet

They towered head and shoulders above the crowd. Half a dozen of them loped across a crowded intersection as I watched. They looked like off-the-scale plots on a scatter graph.

Who were these Goliaths?

I ran into them again at the train station. Six men, each well over 6 feet tall, not one under 200 lbs of beefy muscle. They were huge men by any standards but simply astonishing in this land of the 5’6” male.

But who were they?

I realised I was staring when one of them caught my eye. Damn, busted! But as I smiled and turned away, I saw the clue that put it all together for me. On a t-shirt the size of a pup tent, I read “Atlanta Falcons Training Camp.”

They were American pro football players. The American Bowl game, between the Falcons & the Dallas Cowboys is this morning (scheduled for convenient prime time, live broadcast to the US).

I’m not the only one who noticed the difference in size. Jamal Anderson, running back for the Falcons, quipped to a Japanese TV reporter, “In Japan, I’m bigger than Godzilla.” You’ve got to wonder whether he was talking about size or popularity? Posted by kuri at August 06, 2000 10:05 AM

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