September 24, 2002
Movable weblog

I'm finally getting my act together and installing Moveable Type on my server. Now I can control all aspects of my weblog with finer control and no more worries about Blogger problems.

Of course, that means I have a lot to learn and things look a little wonky at the moment. So if you'll forgive my errors and fumblings, I should have everything back to normal (or better!) shortly.

Posted by kuri at September 24, 2002 02:52 PM


great to see you on MT, partly because now you have an RSS feed and so I can keep up with your blog easier using it. Glad too you were able to import (hopefully NOT by hand!) all your archives. With the next MT release (supposed to be this month though it hasn't appeared yet), it will have a search feature included, which would be great for a blog like yours with so much content tucked away in those archives!

Posted by: Kurt on September 28, 2002 08:01 PM
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